Partnerships – Affordable Housing Solutions Lab

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The purpose of the Affordable Housing Solutions Lab (AHSL) is to empower citizens to innovate, co-create and develop effective, local affordable housing solutions. Joshua Evans. PhD and Associate Professor of Human Geography at the University of Alberta, has offered his educated insights and time to the At Home in Highlands project.

The At-Home-In-Highlands (AHiH) initiative is an outstanding example of “innovative housing solutions”: the work of this community group exemplifies the principles of diversity and inclusivity at the neighborhood level. The AHSL has been supporting the AHiH through a process of self-reflection and discovery in an effort to document their work and share it with other neighborhoods in Edmonton. 

Joshua Evans

Developing a relationship with an entity like the Affordable Housing Solutions Lab is one way to gain and understand meaningful information as it relates to creating housing and building a thriving community. At Home in Highlands is honoured to have Josh’s time and vast breadth of knowledge shared with this initiative.

If you are interested in more information about the AHSL you can visit their website here

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